No Prescription More Powerful Than Knowledge

Today, so many of us are looking for insight into ways that we can protect the health of our children.
Thankfully, Dr. Oz recently brought a much-needed awareness to what exactly is in the juices that we are giving our kids. As he did so, I turned my attention to the sweet stuff and came across this infographic from Health Science that highlights just how much weight-promoting sugar is now found in our “fruit juices”.
Did you know that that an 8 ounce serving of juice contained more sugar than 2 1/2 donuts or a can of soda? Me neither.
But since there is no prescription more powerful than knowledge, with the rate of having a food allergy is 59% higher in obese children, this new-found information might do more than help reduce the obesity epidemic we are seeing in our children, it might help reduce the burden of allergies, heart diseases and other conditions weighing on the health of our families, too.