3 Simple Ways to Take Care of YOU During the School year

This post was created in partnership with MegaFood®.
Not sure about you, but back to school is intense, and it leaves very little time for self-care.
And that only works for so long, before the ship goes down. Some of the best advice I got as a young mom was the advice they give on an airplane: put on your oxygen mask first before helping others.
Why? You can’t pour from an empty cup. And in September, with back to school madness, it is really easy to run dry, with the endless list of errands, to-do lists, doctors’ appointments and more.
I’ve got four teenagers. Our house can feel like a dorm. There is so much going on all of the time, that it can be really easy to let stuff slide, especially self-care. So I’ve learned some simple hacks to help get us when there don’t seem to be enough minutes in the day.
First: If your kids can run an iPhone, they can run a washer and dryer. One of the best things we did was to teach our kids how to do their own laundry. All four can do it, and with our oldest leaving for college in a few weeks, she’s glad she knows how.
Hydrate: Cannot emphasize this enough. Just as kids (and parents) can get grouchy when they’re hungry, you can get highly irritable when thirsty, too. Our brains need water, our bodies, too. So keep a cup on the kitchen counter and beside your bed. Have a water bottle on hand.
Supplement: I was late to this game. I tried to get all of my vitamins and minerals in my food when I first started eating healthier. Only to learn that the soil is deficient and so is our food supply, even organic. And if you’re anything like me, some of the best supplements can be super hard to swallow. But even the healthiest of diets have nutritional gaps, so supplements are perfect for filling those holes. Which is why I was so pumped when MegaFood introduced their new line of gummy vitamins made with real, whole foods.
Gummy Up! MegaFood’s new line sits on my kitchen counter, tucked into a corner next to the stove: B12 Energy in Cranberry or Ginger, D3 Wellness Mixed Fruit and C Defense Tangy Citrus. They are always out in my house, as a reminder to take care of myself. These tasty gummies boast real food flavor with no added colorings or preservatives, 2 grams of sugar or less, and absolutely no sugar coating. And they’re vegetarian and made free of gluten, dairy and soy. The B12 Energy Cranberry and B12 Energy Ginger are great for when you need a little afternoon boost,* so I tend to go through those a bit faster! I’ll grab one in the morning and often again, one in the afternoon when I need a pick-me-up. With cold and flu season around the corner, self-care is of the utmost importance and C Defense Tangy Citrus and D3 Wellness Mixed Fruit are perfect for keeping your immune system in check.* And the best part – my kids love them too! Please note, MegaFood gummies are intended for adults, so keep them away from the young ones! These gummies are both something smart and something good, and they’re crazy delicious too. Grab them and go!
Promised Purity: And while we’re talking supplements, you know that I’m a true advocate for products made free of GMOs, certain allergies and glyphosate, among others, so I’m proud to say that, in true MegaFood fashion, the new gummies are the first gummy vitamins on the market to be certified Glyphosate Residue Free by The Detox Project (as with every product in the MegaFood line). Last year, I discussed glyphosate and the growing need for consumers to question this harmful chemical and understand how it is unfortunately prevalent in the foods we eat, parks we play on and products we use in our homes. And today, with recent news around glyphosate being found in certain cereals and oat-based foods, in addition to the verdict in the Monsanto case, I hope that more brands take the lead from MegaFood and commit themselves to quality, safety and purity above all. When it comes to self-care, it is so comforting to know that the brands we look to for nourishment are taking these commitments to heart when creating the products we rely on for optimal wellness. With brands like MegaFood paving the way for much-needed change, we can really make a difference and put an end to glyphosate use. Watch for my appearance on That Supplement Show in the coming weeks! I spoke with MegaFood’s amazing medical director for the podcast; we discussed the changes we hope to see within our food system – it was a great conversation that will inspire you to further question things like glyphosate.
Sometimes, it is the little things that become the big things. None of us can do everything, but all of us can do something. Whether it’s asking the kids to help out more around the house, finding easy ways to prioritize your health or aligning with larger, important initiatives by sticking with brands doing good, the new school season is a great time to start fresh by focusing more on yourself!
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.