Keynote: A Broken Financial System Won’t Fix Our Broken Food System

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that our global food system needs restructuring. Nine plants account for 2/3 of our global food system. Food security is national security, and if one of those crops gets wiped out, we are vulnerable.
But here’s the rub: You can’t fix a broken food system with a broken financial system. And right now, rather than allocate resources into sustainable practices in a meaningful way to combat the climate crisis, public companies are spending $1.1 trillion on share buybacks to appease investors.
If it takes three years to convert farmland from conventional agriculture (a system dependent on a genetically engineered operating system and a portfolio of agrochemicals) to one that is regenerative and organic, how are publicly traded companies expected to do that on the quarterly earnings’ model?
And is Wall Street even asking the right questions?
What would it look like if Mother Nature was a publicly traded company? What would the ticker symbol be for MN Inc?
Take a look and let me know what you think.