GMOs: What’s Not On the Label? Hidden Toxins and Allergens In Food
According to the National Academy of Sciences, genetically engineered foods, which were introduced into the U.S. food supply in the 1990s without labels, can introduce new allergens and toxins into the food that we are feeding our families and loved ones. For this reason and others, over 40 countries around the world have chosen to label these ingredients due to their potential risks.
Want to learn more? Take a peak at the graphic below and join me and almost one million Americans, as well as AllergyKids and 500 other organizations at Just Label It, and urge the FDA to label these ingredients and the toxins and allergens they may contain here in the United States, too. Given the rates of diseases that we are seeing in our families, labels will help us rule out a potential systemic risk. And given that the United States already spends more on disease management and health care costs than any other country on the planet, this just might be one of the most patriotic things that you could do to help protect the health of our country.