Agriculture: How Do We Feed a Growing World? Innovate, Create, Collaborate

It’s not every day that you come upon a food video that stops you in your tracks. One that makes you sit up and take notice, that doesn’t turn you off or shut you down.
But that’s what happened when a friend shared a video from his organization, the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment.
Did you know the world’s population is growing by 75 million people every year? That’s the equivalent of the size of Germany. We are essentially adding Germany to the planet every year.
And obviously, we all need food. But more than 40% of the Earth’s land has already been cleared for agriculture. And unfortunately, that deforestation is causing harm.
As a matter of fact, agriculture is the biggest contributor to climate change. It generates 30% of all greenhouse gas emissions, more than all planes, trains and automobiles combined.
Amazing stuff, right? And as this video shares, there’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of solution right now. But there needs to be, because we’ve only got one planet. So it’s going to take everyone taking a seat at the table, from corporations, to farmers, to entrepreneurs, to creatives to figure this one out. We don’t have time for finger-pointing just fixing this for our future.
And thankfully, there is a lot that we can do. We can eat smarter, irrigate more effectively, build efficiencies and get innovative, creative and collaborative. It’s a global dialogue that will create an international solution. And we need all hands on deck.
Got a talent to share? We’d love to hear from you, because together, we can create a food system that feeds a healthy world.