Make Your Impact with a 6-Pack

“America, less than 1% of our farmland is organic….”
Not enough Americans know this. With over 911 millions farmable acres in the United States, less than 1% of those acres are organic. So while 80% of us are now eating something organic, and 75% of grocery store categories now carry something organic, less than 1% of American farmland is organic.
Why? The cost of conversion for a farmer is huge. New equipment is required, a three year transition period is required and technical assistance is required. In other words, our farmers can’t do this without capital.
It is because our farmers are facing monumental hurdles in the conversion process that we started rePlant Capital: to work with farmers and food companies, to give farmers access to low cost capital with innovative loans that put farmers first so that they can convert their farmland from conventional agricultural practices, dependent on costly chemical inputs, to regenerative, organic agriculture.
Why did we do this?
You can’t fix a broken food system with a broken financial system
So please take 60 seconds to watch this year’s Super Bowl commercial from Anheuser Busch In Bev.
“Pick up a six pack, we’ll help transition 6 square feet of farmland to organic.”
The choices we make every day can change the world.`