Chemicals in US Foods that Are Illegal in Europe

This video is a powerful reminder of how vigilant we have to stay with our food supply. We put additives, artificial ingredients, GMOs, glyphosate and dozens of other ingredients into our foods at an alarming rate. Thankfully, we are having a food awakening here in the U.S., sadly driven by the runaway rates of food allergies, autism, pediatric cancers, diabetes and obesity. These conditions are forcing us to read labels, and once we do, we can’t unlearn what we know.
Perhaps the most shocking of all is that our own American food companies formulate their products differently overseas. They meet a higher production standard—one that does not allow artificial dyes, artificial growth hormones, GMOs and other additives into their food.
This video does an excellent job of showing the two systems side by side. Please watch and share. Together, we can fix our food system.