Thoughts on Justice

This morning, I woke up to a country that is hard to recognize. I do not know when we completely lost sight of justice. When we let it go.
Social justice, racial justice, sexual justice, food justice. It’s not ‘for all’ anymore.
I have seen it for some time in my work, this work to provide clean and safe food for all families. It should not be a function of zip code, but more often than not, it is.
Justice for all.
We learned the words, to not judge men by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, but lost the action.
And in this world that is all too digitally enhanced, altered and genetically engineered, we have completely lost sight of what is true. And justice is slipping through our fingers.
Our founding fathers built this country on the principle that there should be liberty and justice for all. Some still had slaves at the time, the hypocrisy can not go untouched, but the adage is that once we know better, we do better.
So why are things getting worse?
In a televised debate earlier this year, my opponent said that those who want clean food can get it if they can afford organic. In other words: If you can’t afford it, tough luck. It made my entire body shake, and I felt sick.
How there could be such blatant disregard for human life, for liberty? I do not know. I have worked with moms on food stamps, single parents supporting asthmatic, allergic little boys. The color of the skin doesn’t matter. Our hearts all beat the same way for the love of our children.
What can we do? How can we heal this, so that our children will live in a just and peaceful society?
It’s a loaded question. And I am sure that there will be many answers, but for me, for now, I will continue to work so that all children, regardless of race or income or socioeconomic status, will have access to both life-saving medical devices for allergies and asthma and life-saving food.
But it feels too narrow, so this is what I pledge:
To love without hesitation.
To shine light on the good that is happening.
To inspire hope.
To live with kindness.
To be a mirror so that others can see the gifts they have to offer.
To love so much that it pushes away this darkness.
I hope that you will join me.