Organic Food Sales Explode in Sweden

The growth of organic food sales has been dramatic in the US. Sales are climbing 14% each year.
In Sweden, astronomical would be a more apt description with over 40 percent growth reported for 2015.
Roland Sundgren, a customer at, who sponsored the video, said:
“I usually try to buy organic and locally produced. Nature and the environment are important to me. It’s a little more expensive, but that does not matter if there is a very large price difference, perhaps I will avoid the organic option, but I keep in mind that the more people who buy them, the cheaper they will become.”
Awareness of the ingredients—intended and unintended—in our food is growing all over the world. This growing awareness is becoming a market force to be reckoned with. Smart companies are working to get out in front and nurture this growing demand and prepare for it. The not-so-smart are trying to lead from behind with lies, political chicanery and subterfuge. Watch the numbers of companies that are getting smart about listening to customer demand. They speak volumes.