Leaning Into It

Sometimes, you just have to put it out there. Lay it all on the table and boldly see what happens.
That’s a bit how I feel today, heading into a panel on Role Models for Social Media Week in NYC. We are going to be talking about food trends, the role that the media, chefs, entrepreneurs and bloggers play in dictating those trends and what each and every single one of us can to do create the kind of food system that we know our families are worthy of.
No subject will be off limits, which means we will be addressing everything from eating disorders to recipes to athletes. Intimidating, yes. Exciting, definitely. And I’ve learned over the last few years just how important it is to really lean into those emotions. All of them. To not shut any of them down but to bravely step into an unknown space and learn, just as the chart below suggests, so that together, we can: Be brave. Be kind. Be the change.