The Food Allergy Family: Let Us Be the Scaffolding for Each Other

Recently at the Food Allergy Bloggers Conference, keynote speaker Robyn McCord O’Brien spoke about being the scaffolding for each other as food allergy advocates. Later that day on my panel, AllergyMoms Gina Clowes and attorney Mary Vargas echoed this message. Mary, who is tackling several landmark food allergy cases, pleaded with us to never attack a fellow food allergy advocate online telling us we must always be each others’ support. Take the discussion offline (private message) if you have an issue but don’t be derisive in public because our community needs to be strong and unified. These women are my heroes! But is the message of unity getting to the masses? Based on recent posts directed my way, I fear not.
As far finding a viable treatment for food allergies as I have said in my Huffington Post blogs, this race is not going to be won by astounding sound bytes, but rather by the persistence of analytical research and clinical science. Having said that, I support all those who are participating in both clinical research as well as other avenues of treatment for food allergies. If there are people out there doing TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) that are successful, I am so thrilled for them and their families. I have personally supported the efforts of Dr. Li (who I think is phenomenal) and referred many people to her. I am also so happy for those who have participated in Dr. Nadeau’s OIT (Oral Immunotherapy) Study at Stanford, as well as the many others who have found success in various OIT venues. I am truly HAPPY FOR YOU and would never speak poorly of your choice of treatment just because my son is in a different program.
This race is one where we should all be cheering for one another, not trying to break each other’s legs to win the race. What works for your child may not work for mine, and vice versa. Being in a clinical study has given my son a sense of empowerment over his allergy. He feels he is making a difference and can potentially help children just like him. The patch study results are trickling in and so far have certainly been positive. OIT and Chinese herbal therapies have also yielded positive results amongst others. We have no idea which of these many clinical studies will turn out to be the “cure,” but we are proud to participate in the effort to discover it. Please don’t be angry with our family because we are participating in something different than you have chosen.
I invite you to join me in supporting all those in this world who are trying to find solutions and are advocating for those who suffer from life threatening food allergies. Let us support all positive results and efforts, and be each other’s scaffolding in finding a cure.
In peace and love,
PS: thank you to the people who are my scaffolding and hold me up in the food allergy world.